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Sylvain Berthelot Sylvain Berthelot

Episode 37: Dionne Stalling - SBS & PPPD

In this 2-part series with Dionne Stalling, we focus on four of the nine conditions that affect her.

In part 2, we talk about short bowel syndrome (SBS) and persistent postural perceptual dizziness (PPPD). Beyond discussing the symptoms and how the conditions affect Dionne, we address some important topics in this episode, such as the continuous fight to increase the breadth of what is covered by newborn screening, the challenges of having a restrictive diet and the under-representation of minorities in clinical trials.

The song that Dionne chose for this episode is Easy by The Commodores.

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Sylvain Berthelot Sylvain Berthelot

Episode 35: Rachel Vanni - GA2

Rachel's daughter, Charlie, was born with the rare condition GA2 (Glutaric Aciduria type 2). It was identified very early on thanks to newborn screening, but unfortunately it has a very poor prognosis when diagnosed so early. We talk about how GA2 affected Charlie, the importance of communities for parents dealing with such conditions, and the benefits of grief counseling. Rachel also shares the beautiful life lesson Charlie has taught her.

The song Rachel selected is I reach for the sky by Social Distortion.

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